Refer & Earn $500

Know a wine brand(s) that needs eCellar?

We will pay you $500 in cash if the following three criteria are fully met:

  1. Using the form HERE, provide a winery & decision making contact for us to reach out to
  2. It is a winery that we are currently not working with
  3. They sign up for eCellar at regular pricing, and complete their launch in 2020 as a paying customer

User Groups & Clinics

Learn and share with peers

Our clients love our no-cost morning interactive get-togethers showing what’s new in eCELLAR. Typically held on location at our partner wineries in a live environment, we receive live feedback from the audience on what is working.

Designer Widgets

Host Anywhere. Mobile Optimized. Design & Style Your Way.

Our API-driven Designer Widgets allow you to easily deploy transactional capabilities in your new or existing website. Designer Widgets empower your wine business to offer your consumers your best brand experience online (mobile & desktop) for wine purchasing and account self-maintenance, maintain one website, work with your designer directly to create virtually unlimited wording, styling and layout options, receive ongoing new feature capabilities without additional costs or plug-ins needed. Deploying Designer Widgets in your website is as easy as 1-2-3.

Design Partners

Helping drive your brand

If you need eCELLAR plugged into your new or existing website, our design partners can help you!

Tools for Designers

Access to our WIKI, Forum & Apply to Receive API Key

If you are a designer working with one of our mutual winery clients to launch eCellar via Designer Widgets on their website, please refer to our Designer Widgets WIKI to get started. After submitting the form below to apply for a Designer Widgets API Key, please also apply to our Designer Widgets Forum. 

See our Designer Clinic! Save time and click on the chapter buttons in the timeline.

Tools For Integrators

Review our Open API spec & Apply for API Key

If you are working with one of our mutual winery clients to integrate your system(s) with their eCellar database, please fill out the following form to apply for a secure API key. For information on eCellar eXchange (REST) Open API usage, please refer to our Swagger doc.

Order EMV Gear

Get PCI Compliant.
Reduce Chargebacks.

Choose your chip reader hardware based on your needs. Large, medium or small! Then, complete OpenEdge’s PCI questionnaire using our handy slideshow (20 questions, not over 200!

The best customer experiences are built with eCellar.